Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010


Muhammad (Arabic: محمد, Mohammad, Mohammed, Orientalist: Mahomet, Mahomed) (570 / 571 - 632 AD) is a carrier of the teachings of Islam, and believed by the faithful Muslims as a prophet of Allah (the Messenger) the latter. According to traditional Muslim biography (in Arabic called Sirat), estimated he was born 20 April 570 / 571, in Mecca ( "Mecca") and died on June 8 632 in Medina. Both cities are located in the Hejaz (Saudi Arabia today). Michael H. Hart, in his book The 100, set Muhammad as the most influential figures in human history. According to Hart, Muhammad is the only person who managed to achieve remarkable success both in terms of religious and worldly things. He leads a nation that initially underdeveloped and fragmented, the developed nations that could even defeat the Romans on the battlefield.

"Muhammad" in Arabic means "he who praised". Muslims believe that the teachings of Islam brought by Muhammad is the perfection of the religions brought by previous prophets. They called him the title Apostle of Allah (رسول الله), and add a sentence sallallaahu alayhi wasallam (صلى الله عليه و سلم, which means "may God give him happiness and safety"; often abbreviated as "SAW" or "SAW") after his name. Besides the Qur'an in Surah As-Saff (Surah 61:6) refers to Muhammad as "Ahmad" (أحمد), which in Arabic also means "admirable".

The genealogy of Muhammad from his parents back to Kilab bin Murra bin Ka'b bin Lu'ay bin Ghalib bin Fahr (Quraish) ibn Malik ibn an-NAdr (Qais) bin bin bin Khuzaiman Kinanah Mudrikah (Amir) bin Elias bin Nizar bin fading ibn Ma `ad ibn Adnan. [3] Where is Adnan male descendants to the seventh from Ismail bin Ibrahim, the descendants of Sam son of Noah. [4] Muhammad was born on Monday, 12 Jumadil Earlier this year 571 AD (known as the Year of the Elephant).

The authors Sirah (biography) of Muhammad is generally agreed that he was born in the Year of the Elephant, the year 570 AD Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca, in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, a place that when it is the most backward regions in the world, far from the center of trade, arts, and science. His father, Abdullah, died on the way trade in Yathrib, when Muhammad was still in the womb. He left the property five camels, a flock of sheep and a slave woman named Umm Ayman who then take care of the Prophet.
By the time Muhammad was six years old, his mother Aminah bint Wahab took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to visit his family and visit the grave of his father. But on the way home, her mother fell ill. After a few days, Aminah died in Abwa 'is located not far from Yathrib, and was buried there. After her mother died, Muhammad kept by his grandfather,' Abd al-Muttalib. After her grandfather died, he was guarded by his uncle, Abu Talib. When he is asked to herding his goats around Mecca and often accompanied his uncle in the domestic affairs of its trading Sham (Syria, Lebanon and Palestine).
Almost all scholars of hadith and historians agree that Muhammad was born in the month of Rabi ', although they disagreed about the date. Among the Shi'a, in accordance with the directions of the priest who is a direct descendant of Muhammad, said that he was born on Friday, 17 Rabi ', while the Sunnis believe that he was born on Monday, 12 Rabi' or (2 August 570 AD).
Met Khadija
When Muhammad reached the age of adolescence and develop into an adult, he began studying the science of martial arts and archery, as well as with the science to increase his skills in the trade. Trade became a common thing and is considered as one of a stable income. Muhammad accompanied his uncle traded northward and soon about honesty and trustworthiness in carrying Mohammed trading business has expanded, making it reliable as a broker dealer merchandise Mecca residents.
Someone who had heard about the young man who was trusted with was a widow named Khadija. He is someone who has a high status in the Arab tribes and Khadija often send goods to various parts of the region in Arabia. Muhammad reputation fascinated making Khadija asked him to take their goods in trade wares. Muhammad promised it would be paid twice and Khadija was impressed with the return of Muhammad with a profit of more than usual.
Finally, Muhammad had fallen in love with Khadija and then they got married. At that moment 25-year-old Muhammad Khadija while approaching the age of 40 years, but he still has a captivating beauty. The difference is very much age and widowhood are owned by Khadija, was not an obstacle for them, because at that time the tribe of Quraysh had customs and culture which emphasizes marriage with a girl rather than a widow. Despite their wealth increased, Muhammad remained a person who has a simple lifestyle, preferring to distribute finances to things that are more important.
When Muhammad was 35 years old, he was united with the people of Quraysh in improving the Kaaba. He also gave them the decision about the laying of Hajar al-Aswad in its place. At that time he was very famous among his people by nature are commendable. He loved his people, until finally he obtained his Al-Amin, which means people can be believed.
Also narrated that Muhammad believed fully with the Esaan God. He lived a very simple manner and nature hates arrogant and conceited. He loved the people poor, widows and orphans, and share the suffering with trying to help them. He also avoids all the usual crime among the Arab nations at the time such as gambling, drinking alcohol, behaving rude etc., so that he became known as As-Saadiq which means True.
Muhammad was born in the midst of a backward society like violence and fighting and by the age of 40, he was often alone into the Cave of Hira 'a cave hill about 6 km east of the city of Mecca, which was identified as Jabal An-Nur. He can engage in days and worship there, and his attitude was considered to be very opposed to the Arab culture of the era, and here he often thought with a deep, pleading to God to eradicate paganism and ignorance.
One night around the 17th of Ramadan / August 6 611, when Muhammad was engage in Hira ', the Angel Gabriel came to him. Gabriel will raise and deliver God's revelation in his ear. He was asked to read. He replied, "I can not read". Gabriel repeated three times to ask for Muhammad to read, but the answer remains the same. Finally, Gabriel said:
" Read in the name of your Lord who created man from a clot. Read, with the name of thy Lord, the Most Gracious, who taught man by means of (writing, reading). He taught man that which he did not know. (Al-Alaq 96: 1-5) "
This is a revelation received first by Muhammad. When he was 40 years 6 months 8 days according to the calculation of lunar year (calendar by month), or 39 years 3 months 8 days according to the calculation of solar year (based on the solar calendar). After a remarkable experience in these Hira, with a sense of fear and anxiety Muhammad went home and cried to Khadija for covered, because he felt his body temperature heat and cold alternately. After it was over, he recounts to his wife.
For more reassuring her husband, Khadija took Muhammad came to his cousin, the Waraqa bin Nawfal, who many know the prophecies about the last prophet of the holy books of Christians and Jews. Hearing the story of Muhammad experienced, Waraqa said, that he had been chosen by God to be a prophet. Then Waraqa mention that An-namus al-Akbar (Angel Gabriel) had come to him, his people will say that he was a fraud, they will be hostile and fight.
Revelation off to him gradually within a period of 23 years. Revelation has been revealed in the order given Muhammad, and collected in a book called Al Manuscripts are also called Al-Qur ʾ an (the reading). Most of the verses have clear meaning, while partly translated and linked with verses another. Some adapula verses translated by Muhammad himself through conversation, action and approval, known as the Sunnah. Al-Quran and Sunnah are combined with a guide and way of life for "those who surrender themselves to God", namely the Islamic religion.
During the first three years, Muhammad spread the religion confined only to close friends and relatives. Most of those who believe and believe the teachings of Muhammad are the members of his family and groups of ordinary people, such as Khadija, Ali, Zaid bin Haritha and Bilal. But at the beginning of the year 613, Muhammad's religion openly declared Islam. Many leaders of the Arabs as Abu Bakr, Uthman ibn Affan, Zubair bin Al-Awwam, Abdul Rahman bin Auf, Ubaidah ibn al-Harith, Amr ibn Nufail converted to Islam and joined Muhammad's defense. All these first Muslims were referred to the As-Sabiqun al-Awwalun.
Due to obstruction of public Jaahiliyyah in Mecca, some Muslims were tortured, abused, abandoned and exiled. Torture experienced by almost all his followers to make the birth of ideas migrate (move) to Habsyah. Negus, king Habsyah, allowing Muslim men emigrated to the country and protect them from the pressure of the authorities in Mecca. Muhammad himself, in the year 622 Hijrah to Medina, the town which is about 200 miles (320 km) north of Mecca.
Hijrah to Madinah
In Mecca there is the Kaaba which was built by Prophet Ibrahim. Masyarakat jahiliyah Arab dari berbagai suku berziarah ke Ka'bah dalam suatu kegiatan tahunan, dan mereka menjalankan berbagai tradisi keagamaan mereka dalam kunjungan tersebut. Arab pagan society of the various tribes on pilgrimage to the Kaaba in an annual activities, and they run the various traditions of their religion in the visit. Muhammad mengambil peluang ini untuk menyebarkan Islam. Muhammad took this opportunity to spread Islam. Di antara mereka yang tertarik dengan seruannya ialah sekumpulan orang dari Yathrib (dikemudian hari berganti nama menjadi Madinah ). Among those who are interested in its call is a collection of people from Yathrib (later renamed Medina). Mereka menemui Muhammad dan beberapa orang Islam dari Mekkah di suatu tempat bernama Aqabah secara sembunyi-sembunyi. They met Mohammed and some Muslims from Mecca at a place called `Aqabah clandestinely. Setelah menganut Islam, mereka lalu bersumpah untuk melindungi Islam, Rasulullah (Muhammad) dan orang-orang Islam Mekkah. After embracing Islam, they took an oath to protect Islam, the Prophet (Muhammad) and Muslim people of Mecca.
In Mecca there is the Kaaba which was built by Prophet Ibrahim. Arab pagan society of the various tribes on pilgrimage to the Kaaba in an annual activities, and they run the various traditions of their religion in the visit. Muhammad took this opportunity to spread Islam. Among those who are interested in its call is a collection of people from Yathrib (later renamed Medina). They met Mohammed and some Muslims from Mecca at a place called `Aqabah clandestinely. After embracing Islam, they took an oath to protect Islam, the Prophet (Muhammad) and Muslim people of Mecca.
the next year, a group of Islamic societies from Yathrib came again to Mecca. They met Muhammad in place before they met. Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib, the uncle who was not yet embraced Islam, attended the meeting. They invited the people of Mecca to Muslims emigrated to Yathrib. Muhammad finally agreed to migrate to the city.
Knowing that many Islamic societies intend to leave Mecca, the pagan of Mecca tried to block his way, because they thought that if allowed to emigrate to Yathrib, the Muslims will have the opportunity to develop their religion into areas other. Having lasted for approximately two months, the Islamic society of Mecca at the end made it safely to Yathrib, later known as Medina or "Madinatun Prophet" (city of the Prophet).
In Medina, the government (caliph) of Islam under the leadership realized Muhammad. Muslims free to worship (prayer) and society in Medina. Quraish of Mecca who know this and launched several attacks to Medina, but all can be overcome by Muslims. A peace treaty later made with the Quraish. Nevertheless, the agreement was later denied by the Quraish attacked by Muslim allies.
Conquest of Mecca
In year 8 after emigrated to Medina, Muhammad went back to Mecca with Muslim army of 10,000 people. Makkah residents are worried then agreed to surrender the city of Mecca without opposition, on the condition that Muhammad returned the following year. Muhammad agreed, and when the next year he returned so he conquered Mecca peacefully. Muhammad led the Muslims perform the pilgrimage, destroy all the idols around the Kaaba, and then gave a general amnesty and enforcing the rules of Islam in Mecca.
Like the previous prophets and messengers, Muhammad was given the prophetic miracles before and during the prophetic. In Islamic law, Muhammad is the greatest miracle of the Qur'an. In addition, Muhammad is believed by Muslims has split the moon in the spread of Islam in Mecca and perform Isra and Mi `raj in less than one day. Another capability that Muhammad is his intelligence possessed about science
The characteristics of Muhammad
Ali ibn Abi Talib specify the physical characteristics and appearance of Muhammad's daily life, Ali said, "Prophet Muhammad is not too high nor too short. Berpostur beautiful among his people, not too fat nor too thin. Perawakannnya well as a handsome man . He's not fat, not small, round face, his skin pinkish white, black eyes, long eyelashes. Bone head and shoulder bone between the two big, soft body hair extends from the navel to the chest. Her hair was a little, both hands and thick soles.
If walking is never stuck his feet, he walked with quick and sure.When turned, he turned his face and body simultaneously. In between his shoulders there is a prophetic sign and indeed he is the Seal of the Prophets. He was the most generous, most charitable, most honest words, most responsible and best of her social." Anyone who hang out with him would be like. "
Every person who met Muhammad would have said, "I've never seen anyone who seemed, both before and after." That Muhammad in the eyes of the audience, because he is very noble berakhlah as depicted in the Qur'an,
" "And thou virtuous really great character." (Al-Qalam: 4) ” "
Narrated in Bukhari, Muhammad is described as a white person. Dikisahkan oleh Ismail bin Abi Khalid , "I heard Abu Juhaifa said," I saw the Prophet and al-Hasan ibn Ali looked like she was. "Aku berkata pada Abu Juhaifa, "I said to Abu Juhaifa," Let me describe the figure of the prophet. "He said," He's white and black with a gray beard and white. He promised to bought our 13 female camels, she was already dead Tapu first before we accept it. "
About the hair dyed with henna (red hair dye). "Obviously I see Rasulallah dyed her hair with henna and that is why akupun dyed my hair with henna."
During his life Muhammad married 11 or 13 women (there are differences of opinion on this). At the age of 25 years he married Khadija, which lasted for 25 years until Khadija died. [8] The marriage was described as very happy, so that when the death of Khadijah (that coincide with the death of Abu Talib, his uncle) called the year sorrow.
After the death of Khadija, Muhammad suggested by Khawla bint Hakim, that he should marry Sawda bint Zama (a widow) or Aisha (daughter of Abu Bakr, in which Muhammad finally marry the two. Then after that Muhammad married several women noted again that achieving a total of eleven people, where nine are still alive after the death of Muhammad.
The historians among others Watt and Esposito argue that most of the marriage intended to strengthen political ties (according to the Arab culture), or providing livelihood for widows (then the widow is more difficult to marry because of a culture that emphasizes marriage with a virgin)
The difference with the previous prophets and messengers
In his preaching mission, Muslims believe that Muhammad was sent by God to be a prophet for all mankind (Qur'an 34: 28), whereas the previous prophets and messengers were sent only to his people each (Surah 10:47, 23:44) as Moses as sent by God to the Children of Israel.
Meanwhile, in common with the previous prophets and messengers is the same teaching Tawheed, which is testimony that the God that exists or is just diibadahi God (Surah 21:25).

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